DTE visits BETiS

Together with the DTE team, we visited the BETiS company, which is a leader in industry training on the Polish automotive market, ranging from technical training in the field of servicing cars and trucks, through training for experts or service management. Our companies have had many years of fruitful cooperation. 

Dr inż. Sławomir Olszowski, who is the founder of BETiS and a lecturer at the Faculty of Transport, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, invited us to his seat. The purpose of the visit was to finalize the talks on the joint work of both companies with our flagship product – a workshop oscilloscope – Scope DT. The device was tested and reviewed by experts at BETiS for several months. We received very positive feedback from them about our product: “The trainees who got Scope DT in their hands for the first time had the impression that they had been working with it all their lives. This oscilloscope is not only intuitive, but also “supports” the user with the built-in knowledge base, thus conforming to the philosophy of BETiS activities. We are pleased to sign a document validating the device for use during training, confirming the official cooperation with DeltaTech Electronics, ”says the owner of the company, Mr. Sławomir Olszowski.

The device will be used during subsequent training courses conducted by BETiS. The information obtained along with descriptions of specific workshop cases will be the basis for the further development of Scope DT, which we are very happy about. Today our clients can take advantage of a discount on training organized by BETiS, using our discount code: DTE – 10%!

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