Independent diagnostics of agricultural machinery


Independent diagnostics of agricultural machinery

Diagnosis of agricultural machinery is extremely important for maintaining its efficiency and performance. Unfortunately, many competent service technicians do not have a diagnostic tool dedicated to the diagnosis of agricultural vehicles or construction machinery. We will show what measurements we can make with independent equipment from DeltaTech Electronics. This equipment is designed for workshops dealing with general servicing of passenger vehicles or trucks.

New Holland tractor fuel pressure diagnostics

The latest generation of equipment and drives used in agriculture and construction (Off Highway) rival the sophistication and complexity of designs used in conventional trucks or passenger vehicles. The use of a common-rail fuel system has become standard for compression-ignition engines.

Common Rail is an advanced fuel injection system that is commonly used in modern agricultural tractors. One of the key parameters of this system is the fuel pressure in the fuel rail. The RPT-5 pressure tester makes it possible to measure the pressure in the rail thanks to a parallel connection to the pressure sensor.

The T4.80N tractor powered by the F5D engine uses a Bosch system with a CP4.1 injection pump. To use the RPT-5 tester, all that is required is physical access to the pressure sensor. No wiring diagrams are required, as the device is able to automatically determine the wiring layout. The device offers similar functionality to the preview of current parameters implemented by a diagnostic tester with access to ecu data. Thanks to independent operation, we can test the injection systems of tractors, construction machinery or other engines.

The injection rail pressure diagnostic tester offers a reading of pressure sensor values.

The RPT-5 displays the current pressure value or output voltage, and also measures the voltage the sensor is supplied with from the ECU (5V).

The Android software supports diagnostics for agricultural machinery and supports bluetooth communication protocols for connectivity with the tester.

The device can work independently or with an app. Along with the device, we receive Android software. The app can record pressure waveforms, and also offers remote parameter reading from the tractor cab, for example. The RPT-5 is also suitable for testing other sensors with voltage output, such as accelerator pedal or manifold pressure sensors.

For more advanced users, the EDIA-PRO device can be recommended. This is a more advanced system for independent diagnostics of common rail systems, based on oscilloscope measurements of the system’s basic signals. EDIA-PRO can successfully support the diagnosis of agricultural and construction machinery.

Tests of injectors with the SIT-12 tester

Fuel injectors play a key role in the precise dosage of fuel. Problems with injectors can manifest themselves in a number of ways: from erratic operation to serious failures. The SIT-12 is a convenient-to-use diagnostic tool for testing the electrical parameters of injectors. For electromagnetic injectors, such as the Bosch CRI2.2 family injectors used on the New Holland tractor under test, we can perform a set of electrical measurements.

Using the SIT-12, we can compare a set of injectors or compare the results obtained to reference value ranges for specific injectors.
  • Injector resistance measurement: the SIT-12 allows you to check the resistance of the injectors with a resolution of milliohms, which makes it possible to detect possible short circuits or breaks in the injector coil. The correct resistance in this case is approx. 0,22 – 0,28 Ω.
  • Inductance measurement: as a complement to the resistance measurement, measuring the inductance of the coil allows a more accurate comparison of the set of components. The correct value for these injectors at the measurement frequency used is approx. 100 – 120 uH.
  • Insulation test: By performing a high-voltage injector test, we mainly verify that there is no damage to the housing within the electrical part of the injector. A correct indication is a result above the measurement range.

DBT-12+ battery tester

The battery is an essential part of any tractor, providing the energy needed to start the engine and power the electrical systems the vehicle is equipped with. The DBT-12+ is a reliable battery diagnostic equipment that also checks charging and starting systems.

  • Battery voltage measurement: The DBT-12+ allows you to quickly check the state of charge and estimated inrush current by measuring the battery’s internal resistance.
  • Starting system test: the device records the voltage waveform during engine start-up allowing an indirect evaluation of starter performance.
  • Charging system evaluation: With the charging system test function, we can verify the operation of the alternator along with the voltage regulator. The recorded voltage ripples help detect faults even if the output voltage is within the normal range.

Practical examples of defects

In some cases, special hardware and software are required to repair agricultural or construction machinery. Nevertheless, there are many situations in which diagnostics of agricultural machinery can be performed independently. The ability to drive installed components, forced DPF regeneration, transmission calibrations, etc. are tasks for equipment dedicated to working with these vehicles. On the other hand, in the case of problems with erratic operation, difficult or impossible starting , we can start with universal diagnostic methods known to mechanics. A professional, based on the behavior of the vehicle and thanks to his knowledge of general diagnostic methods, will in many cases successfully identify the problem.

Example 1: Diagnostics of tractor starting problems

The tractor does not start and the user suspects a problem with the fuel system. With the RPT-5, you can quickly check the fuel pressure in the common rail. If the pressure is too low, it may indicate a problem with the fuel pump or injectors. Further diagnostics with the SIT-12 will check the injectors for electrical or mechanical damage. The DBT-12+ will diagnose the battery and starting system.

Example 2: Decrease in engine power during operation

The machine loses power during operation. An RPT-5 used to measure fuel pressure can reveal that the problem lies in low fuel pressure, which could be caused by clogged fuel filters or a problem with the pump. In addition, testing injectors with the SIT-12 can reveal that one of the injectors is malfunctioning, affecting engine performance.

Example 3: Electrical problems

If there are electrical problems, the DBT-12+ can be used to check the condition of the battery, as well as the condition of the alternator. If the battery is in poor condition, replacing it can solve the vehicle’s electrical problems.


Independent diagnostics of agricultural machinery is possible with advanced diagnostic tools such as the RPT-5, SIT-12 and DBT-12+ testers from DeltaTech Electronics. These devices make it possible to perform a wide range of measurements and diagnose many faults without the need for specialized diagnostic interfaces. Thanks to them, a typical mechanic working with passenger vehicle and truck drives on a daily basis can identify many problems with these machines. This is especially important during the period of intensive field work, which must be carried out within specific deadlines and under pressure from weather conditions.


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DeltaTech Electronics to polski producent i ekspert w branży automotive, który na bazie ponad 25 lat doświadczenia wyznacza trendy w innowacyjnej diagnostyce samochodowej.
To, co nadaje rytm naszej pracy, to wsłuchiwanie się w potrzeby klientów oraz śledzenie aktualnych problemów, z którymi mierzą się warsztaty samochodowe. Owocem tego jest oferta skrojona idealnie „na miarę” ich oczekiwań.

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