Aktualnie prawie wszystkie samochody z silnikami benzynowymi wyposażone są w system wtrysku paliwa. Jednymi z ważniejszych elementów systemu wtrysku są wtryskiwacze. Ich zadaniem jest precyzyjne dawkowanie ilości paliwa w ściśle określonym czasie. Aby to zadanie należycie spełnić wtryskiwacze muszą być sprawne.

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200,00 VAT 0%
246,00 VAT 23%

At present almost all petrol powered cars are equipped with the fuel injection system. One of the most important components of the injection system are injectors. The injection system allows accurate injection timing and controlling the amount. In order to perform this task properly, the injectors must be operational. Three types of damage to injectors can be observed:

The first type is the failure of the injector solenoid coil – most often it is a break in the circuit. This type of damage can be easily diagnosed, e.g. with a multimeter by measuring the coil resistance of the injector.
The second type of fault is a leak.
Whereas, the third type is a mechanical damage. It causes the increased frictional resistance of the injector needle, and thus the unsuitable fuel dosing. The increased frictional resistance of the injector needle causes the disruption of the needle valve injector opening and closing, which may even lead to its total blocking. All of this may cause the improper engine operation. Most cars handled by workshops are the old cars, in which the injector malfunctioning can be observed. The proper diagnosing of damage is relatively difficult without the use of special equipment. To diagnose such damage, the TW-2 microprocessor injector tester can be used. This tester makes it possible to use the injector at different ranges of its work and to check whether it works properly.

Simulation parameters of the injector operation can be controlled in the following areas:


speed simulation – adjustable from 1,000 rpm to 10,000 rpm, changing at every 1000 rpm (assuming there is one injection per one rotation of the crankshaft – may differ depending on the injection system type),
simulation of the PWM (injection time) – adjustable from 10% to 30%, changing at every 10%.

Warranty: 24 months
Shipping time: In stock!
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